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PLC Meeting March 2, 2018


 The PLC Meeting was held on March 2, 2018 at Centennial Education Center.  There were 12 Teachers in Attendance.  The purpose of the meeting was to develop and refine our writing rubrics by ESL Level.  The rubrics will be used in writing portfolios that ESL Teachers will begin to use during the Fall, 2018 Semester.  The PLC Teachers met by level, and completed the writing rubrics that they had begun designing at the previous meeting.  Most teachers decided to create rubrics that included a 1-3 or 0-3 evaluation scale along with specific categories for checking for grammar, mechanics, and composition skills (such as unity, organization, and development of ideas).  The rubrics for Beginning ESL Teachers were developed for word to sentence and for Intermediate Teachers, for sentence to paragraph​ level writing.  The PLC instructors decided to give a new writing assignment to their students, and to bring some copies of the students’ writing to the next PLC Meeting.  The teachers would then use the newly-developed rubrics to norm and evaluate the student writing among the members of the ESL level groups.  From the norming process, teachers will learn how to better revise the rubrics, increasing their effectiveness before the rubrics are used with the writing portfolios in Fall 2018.

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