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PLC Meeting November 1st, 2019

November 1st -3

The Professional Learning Committee (PLC) met November 1st, 2019 in Room A-110.  The EL CIVICS Coordinator, Rita VanDyke Kao, listened to our concerns regarding the EL CIVICS units. She promised to bring the Safety EL CIVICS unit (to be used during the Spring 2020 Semester) for us to review at the next PLC Meeting in late November. Some of us said we may pilot the Student Unit in our classes this semester to provide Rita additional feedback. Finally, Rita mentioned a PT EL CIVICS Coordinator was to be hired at CEC; and most likely, we’d be working more closely with her.

November 1st -1

After Rita left, we turned to our Writing and Listening Rubrics. We decided to the Intermediate and Advanced Levels will definitely use the same Writing (and perhaps the same Listening) Rubric. The Beginning Levels will be using their own Rubrics. All levels will be meeting separately with their group members. Both the Intermediate and Advanced Levels will do a formative writing assessment in their classes on Monday or Tuesday of this week. Then they’ll use the Rubric to grade the assessments and share the results at their Level meetings. Then they’ll use the Rubric to grade the assessments and share the results at their Level meeting. In addition, the Advanced group will also complete a formative listening assessment and grade the results with the Listening Rubric. They will bring that data to the next PLC Meeting on Friday, November 15th, 2019.

November 1st -2At the next meeting, the Intermediate and Advanced group members will decide on cutoff (passing) scores for Int Low; Int High; Advanced Low; and Advanced High so we could all use the same Listening Rubric. For the Writing Rubric, which has a total of 50 Points, we agreed on the cutoff (passing) scores for each level. For Adv High, a minimum of 45 out of 50; For Adv Low, 40 out of 50; for Int High, 35 out of 50; and for Int Low, 20 out of 50 on our common Writing Rubric. Finally, Mara Tavantzis agreed to record the dialogue of one of our previously created Listening Assessments. Then the Intermediate Level group could try that formative assessment after the next PLC Meeting and present the results at the final December Meeting.  The goal is to share the Writing and Listening Assessments with Faculty during Spring Flex.

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